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Event less than 20 days away...
Register today and find out why biometric cards are the future!

The conference and the exhibition offer excellent opportunities for leading next-generation card solutions providers to engage with card issuers, scheme operators, integrators and partners in the supply chain.

To learn how to participate in Powered and Next-Generation Cards 2018 please contact MOUNISSE ECH CHADLI – Business Development Manager of APSCA Asia Pacific at or at +86 15618790417.

Click to Join the Next-Generation Cards Linkedin Group
A group of payments/identity professionals with a specific focus on Next-Generation Card solutions such as those with biometric sensors, displays, on-card controls and connectivity for local (e.g. to smartphone) or remote (over mobile networks) communications. If you are with a payment card issuer or scheme, in a government ID agency, working for a transport authority or retailer, or with a fintech that wants to learn more about how cards fit with the digital future of payments and identity then join this group to meet domain experts from the world of next generation powered card solutions.

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